Celsius Network | #Crypto Lending | Earn Interest | Earn $20 | CelPay

Celsius network a platform where you can take out a loan, earn interest on your #crypto that might be just sitting, and of course this is all done on the #blockchain. By using some of your crypto as collateral you'll be able to get some of the lowest rates on a loan if you choose to take one out. They have a variety of different cryptos that you can earn interest on and get paid weekly on all of the interest that you may be accruing. You do have the option to earn more through their token and you can make purchases for crypto within their app. There is an opportunity to earn $20 if your first deposit is $200 worth of crypto and keep it in your account for 30 days then you will receive your earnings.

Sign up here: https://bit.ly/2PgrNMC

Earn $20 on your first deposit of $200 or more

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